Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Sun...a curse or a blessing?....

One of the reasons i love St. George is because we are lucky enough to have delightfully warm weather most of the year. Like today for example. It's perfect outside! Warm enought to run around and not get too hot but it's still warm. You can even lay out and get a nice tan without even trying but you wouldn't get all gross and sweaty. (if you don't believe me just come check out my sunburn from helping pass out fliers the last two days at DSC for elections) Honestly, what could be better. I get my recommended amout of Vit. D each day a nice tan and the sun just makes me happy. It's kind of like a teaser for what summers gonna be like. Perfect outside just hanging with your friends. eating ice cream or orange peel. no worries. getting tan. talking about boys. ahh bliss. the only problem with the sun is when it does that to me in the middle of spring i haven't gone to math for a whole week....and i've missed a test.... and i'm way behind...but the biggest problem is.....i don't care! cause the sun is out and i'm happy. except when i'm stuck inside at work like at the current moment watching all the free people outside enjoy the sunshine.... :( the worst part about it is it's only going to last like a week or so and then i'm going to sink back into my shivering cold winters blues and freak out about how much school i've missed..... but right now i'm content knowing the next couples days i'm going to be getting a nice tan... i love the sun. it's a blessing cause it makes my skin pretty :) and reminds me of fun times. it's a curse becuase now i'm failing math....but really, when am i ever gonna use that stuff anyway......right?


Miki Lee said...

Considering I'm without the sun...I'd have to go with blessing!


YEAH ME TOO! WE GO WEEKS WITH OUT THE SUN! Seriously..... I didn't know my body could get so white.... by the way I jumped on the no shavning the legs train with miki.......ummmmm yeah ew is all i have to say! hahahaha

love, mag